The course for Ballet & Jazz Moves is an SCA Superstar Academy Program by the College of Music and Performance Arts SCA ( Superstar College of Arts )

The Ballet & Jazz Dance course is meant for students aged 2 years and over. The course is taught from the basic level to lay a good foundation for a systematic dance for students with grades ranging from easy to difficult, respectively, are considered to lay the right foundations and can help students develop dance properly and gracefully according to Australian curriculum standards.

Students will learn a diversification of dancing skills and gain a better understanding of each dance movement. Aiming to help encourage students dance in the correct way for students to develop self-discipline such as remembering the different technical postures taught by the teacher, thus applying them to other dance moves. As well as studying for the full number of hours, students will be eligible for the exam.

Teaching as well as Exams are essential for receiving the A.T.O.D certificate.

Study duration refers to the duration of each lesson for the following courses(the duration of one lesson is 50 minutes)

  • A course having 12 lessons, has a maximum duration of studying not exceeding 14 working weeks from the first lesson. (Allowing time for students to take leave of no more than 2 weeks)
  • A course with 36 lessons, has a maximum duration of studying not exceeding 42 working weeks from the first lesson. (Allowing time for students to take leave of no more than 6 weeks)
  • A course with 48 lessons, has a maximum duration of studying not exceeding 56 working weeks from the first lesson. (Allowing time for students to take leave of no more than 8 weeks)
  • There are one or more lessons per week
  • Students who do not learn for a total of 40 hours are not eligible to participate in the exam.
  • Students must study 40 hours or more to qualify for the exam.
  • Examination will be taken every year, once a year, every month of February (February) every year, taken by Madam Examiner from Australia. On the exam, every student who takes the exam will receive a Certificate of the Australian Curriculum (A.T.O.D), which bears the institution logo.
  • Points earned and signed by Madam Examiner. 

Each exam will have a test fee of approximately 2,000 baht or more depending on the grades studied and the exam is an International level exam.