- High School Diploma in Music and Performing Arts certified by the Ministry of Education of Thailand for students who finished Grade 9th or has equivalent degrees
- Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts in Music and Performing Arts (B.F.A.) certified by the Ministry of Education of Thailand (partnered with Siam University)
- Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts in Music and Performing Arts (English and Chinese B.F.A. Program) certified by the Ministry of Education of Thailand (partnered with Siam University)
- Certificate Program in Music and Performing Arts (SCA SUPERSTAR ACADEMY Program) certified by the Ministry of Education of Thailand for students from 2 year-old to adults
- Certificate Program in Music and Performing Arts (SCA SUPERSTAR ACADEMY Program for schools) certified by the Ministry of Education of Thailand
- Certificate Program in Corporate Personnel Development (Corporate Training Program) certified by the Ministry of Education of Thailand

Welcome to SCA (Superstar College of Arts)…
SCA is a college dedicated to making students’ dream of getting into entertainment industry comes true. For almost 10 years that we have trained over one hundred successful artists and superstar along with over 5,000 students who have taken our courses. We are systemizing the process by using rigorous training curriculums trained by over one hundred industry-experience teachers and trainers, along with cutting edge training facilities, over a hundred successful alumni network, and entertainment corporate partners. In 2014 to 2017, Ministry of Education awarded SCA with “Excellent Education Quality Assurance Award” which is the highest level of all education quality awards in which only 10 music institutions in Thailand won this highest level award. SCA is recognized as an entertainment college that has the most complete certified entertainment curriculums for artists and production related works in Thailand and South East Asian countries. Curriculums include high school diploma in music / dance / mass communications / theatre, vocational degree in music / dance / theatre, higher vocational degree in music, Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts in Music and Performing Arts (B.F.A.) in music / dance / acting / entertainment management, bachelor of fine and applied arts in music education / theatre education (international program), certificate program in music and performing arts (SCA SUPERSTAR ACADEMY Program), and certificate program in corporate personnel development (corporate training program). We are determined to educate and equip our students to be future valuable entertainment industry members which have performing skills, industry knowhows, related-work-experiences, good moral, excellent ethics, and sense of social responsibilities.
Because at SCA, we believe that “ Every Dream is Possible ”
วีดิโอแนะนำ วิทยาลัยดนตรีและศิลปะการแสดง SCA (Superstar College of Arts)
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วิทยาลัยดนตรีและศิลปะการแสดง SCA (Superstar College of Arts) มีครูผู้สอนทุกระดับรวมกว่า 100 ท่าน ตั้งแต่ระดับ Senior / Professional / Master ตามความต้องการของผู้เรียน โดยครูทุกท่านผ่านการทดสอบของวิทยาลัยอย่างเข้มข้น 4 ด้าน ได้แก่ ด้านความสามารถ และประสบการณ์ในการแสดง ด้านความสามารถในการสอน ด้านประสบการณ์การสอน และด้านความรักนักเรียนและจรรยาบรรณในวิชาชีพครู
Entertainment industry seminar
SCA College of Music and Performing Arts (Superstar College of Arts) offers a seminar in the entertainment industry. (Entertainment Seminar) with entertainment industry executives, artists or behind-the-scenes famous people in every entertainment industry, such as Singer, musician, composer, music producer, actor, film and theater director sculptor, artist as well as famous film and photographers, etc., so that students have the opportunity to learn the real experiences that the speakers have conveyed up close. and gives students the opportunity to introduce themselves and get to know important people in various fields.