The course for Violin is an SCA Superstar Academy Program by the College of Music and Performance Arts SCA ( Superstar College of Arts )

The course for learning Violin is suitable for students aged 4 years and over. Teaching from the basics and going up, emphasizing on learners to grab and play the violin correctly, practice the skills of note reading, listening, counting beats, pitch scale and reading international music notes. To increase the skill of violin practice more effectively, and allow students to learn songs in a variety of formats.

For little children the style of teaching will involve a Child Center and Customized education in order to fit one’s education.

Students may voluntarily request a violin proficiency test with ABRSM or the Trinity Guildhall. The teacher will consider which grade the student takes and will recommend the exam location.

Learning Violin can share experiences from a teacher who is an artist teacher or an artist teacher who has a lot of experience in both theory and practice and is a professional violinist. Learners will be trained on techniques, bow control in the right hand, putting the left fingers on the fingerboard and practicing the left and right fingers to remember the correct tone of the sound, counting the beats and natural, non-tense poses, skills for stage rehearsal.

Learning the Violin will help build self-confidence, have the courage to perform, and be more concentrated. Practice listening skills (Ear Training) and have better social skills. be creative and have a better memory.

Learning Details

Study duration refers to the duration of each lesson for the following courses(the duration of one lesson is 50 minutes)

  • A course having 12 lessons, has a maximum duration of studying not exceeding 14 working weeks from the first lesson. (Allowing time for students to take leave of no more than 2 weeks)
  • A course with 36 lessons, has a maximum duration of studying not exceeding 42 working weeks from the first lesson. (Allowing time for students to take leave of no more than 6 weeks)
  • A course with 48 lessons, has a maximum duration of studying not exceeding 56 working weeks from the first lesson. (Allowing time for students to take leave of no more than 8 weeks)
  • They’re all single study lessons face to face with teachers
  • Learn one or more lessons per week
  • Show up on stage every 12 weeks or more
  • Perform at the Superstar’s Mini Concert event every 3 months.

Perform at the Superstar Grand Concert at Aksra Theater King Power every year. The students will have a chance to audition and cast for the music labels with a business relationship with SCA from all across Thailand and some from other countries.