School supplies and classroom
More than 60 standard classroom studios spread over 3,000 square meters, equipped with classrooms, modern music equipment and facilities. by every classroom There will be installed CCTV (CCTV), video recording of teaching during classes, WIFI internet at every point on every floor, music classrooms and international standard performances such as Soundproofing studios for one-on-one lessons, soundproofing studios for band lessons, soundproofing rehearsal studios, recording studios for producing international standard music, etc.
Classrooms and facilities
- Soundproof private studios
- Soundproof band studios
- Recording studios
- Dance studios with LED lighting system
- Computer lab
- Photo and video studio
- Stage and concert area
- Café with internet workstations
- Glass elevator
- Glass building exterior with LED lighting system
- MIDI and audio software
- Pro Tools and Apple Logic
- Apple computers
- PC laptops with VDO cameras
- Wireless Internet in all area
- High quality instruments
- Upright pianos
- Recording studio equipment
- CCTV in all classrooms
- RFID student ID cards and finger-scan access control system
Dance classrooms come in a variety of sizes, such as a large standard dance classroom with lighting. LED is the first dance room in Asia to use a LED light system that can flash and change colors according to the music rhythm, which will make students feel fun learning dance. Helps to capture rhythms to enhance imagination and inspiring the desire to come to study
Every dance room at Superstar Academy is equipped with a computer system that can record videos while studying, which can be opened to record rehearsals for viewing to improve the choreography immediately and can copy them back to practice at home, as well as having the Internet to search for the songs used. Assemble the lessons from the Music Server system using a high quality audio system. Extra large mirrors are installed so that students can see themselves whole body without cutting and the school cares about student safety. Therefore, the dance classroom was designed to have the floor of the room with a special thick cushioning material to help reduce the impact of the knee and ankle joints. This allows students to dance to their fullest without worrying about injury.
All classrooms are equipped with pianos, microphones and high-quality amplifiers, notebook computers for searching for songs and lyrics for learning from the Music Server system. Studying at Superstar Academy uses a computer to record videos during the course. school hours So that students can open the picture backwards to see the singing results immediately to improve the correct point. At the end of the hour, the teacher will save the video instruction on the thumb drive so that students can take them back to practice at home Every classroom has a large full-length mirror to enable students to develop their posture and personality development. This includes practicing facial expressions, gestures, emotions or the use of eye contact, etc. The classroom is designed to be able to keep the sound very well to prevent noise from other classrooms. An intermediate sound-absorbing material is used between the walls, which are approximately 1 foot thick on each side, so that the sound does not interfere with other classrooms. so that students can concentrate on studying.
Our music classroom is well soundproofed by the size of the room. Standard size for students to concentrate on studying and is a soundproof room. using intermediate asbestos technology between the rooms to absorb the sound so that it does not escape making it not to disturb other rooms We also have CCTV cameras attached to every room for the safety of students. and for controlling the quality of teaching as well.
All classrooms will consist of Keyboards or pianos, microphones and high-quality amplifiers, notebook computers for searching for songs and lyrics for learning from the Music Server system. Studying at Superstar Academy uses a computer to record videos during class hours. So that students can open the picture backwards to see the singing results immediately to improve the correct point. At the end of the hour, the teacher will save the video instruction to a thumb drive so students can take it back to practice at home.
Every classroom has a large full-length mirror to enable students to develop their posture and personality development. Including practicing facial expressions, gestures, emotions or the use of eye contacts, etc. The classroom is designed to be soundproofed well to prevent noise from other classrooms. An intermediate sound-absorbing material is used between the walls, which are approximately 1 foot thick on each side, so that the sound does not interfere with other classrooms. so that students can concentrate on studying
Our music classroom is well soundproofed by the size of the room. Standard size for students to concentrate on studying and is a soundproof room. using intermediate asbestos technology between the rooms to absorb the sound so that it does not escape making it not to disturb other rooms We also have CCTV cameras attached to every room for the safety of students. and for controlling the quality of teaching as well.
Recording studios with the same quality as the United States, using soundproofing materials that can retain 100% of the sound. Connect up to 5 recording systems that can record instruments from 5 rooms at the same time, enabling LIVE RECORDING recording as if recording. CONCERT audio is controlled by a world-standard computer system using Apple Mac Pro and Apple Logic Studio and Pro Tools. This room was designed by a national sound engineer teacher who has worked with world-class artists such as Lenny Gravitz and leading Thai artists such as Marsha, Tata Young, Boy Kosiyapong, and Joey Boy who are teachers. Music Technology here. Students here use the recording studio for every course to record their work. To see the development of students in each course.

The DJ classroom has a DJ machine. There are mirrors to see the scratching gesture, and there are CCTV cameras to control the teaching quality and safety. The DJ lessons are divided into 2 levels, which are Mixing and Scratching. In which students will study in order of teachers who are national champion DJs and Asia’s top champions. and has works with famous artists such as Gancore Club and the Buddha. Bless will be organized as a Club DJ, like a professional DJ who plays club music or events to give students a realistic learning environment.
Acting classroom for learning acting MC (Mc), modeling (Modelling) and personality development (Personality) as well In this room, there will be mirrors around the room. so that students can see for themselves in every corner around to practice the personality of the students themselves because seeing myself That is the image that others see us. Therefore, the students will know that should behave. In addition, the school cares about the safety of students. Therefore, the classroom was designed to have the floor covering with a special thick cushioning material to help reduce the impact of knee and ankle joints. MovementMovement This allows students to study hard without worrying about injury.
This room is a special practice room where the drums are used exclusively. Room arrangements may vary from teacher to teacher and some students may practice pairs where teachers and students can play together.

For kids academy Everyone will have a one-on-one rehearsal. But if it is a college, there will be a single practice room where students can reserve a room and come to use the practice room at any time. You can practice fully because every room and corridor on every floor has a CCTV system, so it’s definitely safe.
keyboard skills classroom Children studying for a bachelor’s degree program High school or vocational. Everyone is required to learn keyboards, even if they don’t major in piano. Because it must be the basis for learning songwriting or the future may be a teacher singing piano, it will be a tool to prepare or warm up students’ voices.
A ballet classroom and can also be used for dancing lessons. Designed to have a tall wooden rail suitable for all ages. to support safe ballet classes according to international standards. The wooden floor is designed to be cushioned to reduce injuries that may occur while dancing.
This room is also used for lectures.